Want a milk pick up near you? Let us know

Pick up location guidelines:

We will supply the fridge. The pick up location host will receive 2 half gallons of milk per week for being the pick up site host. Host is expected to help keep the space tidy, to notify us of any issues with the fridge, and also to keep the path to the fridge clear and safe during the winter months.

Criteria for a good milk pick up location:
-In a detached garage or on a porch
-Easy access for parking for shareholders and close parking for delivery of milk
-A spot that shareholders would feel comfortable coming into that isn't intrusive for homeowner or neighbors
-Some shelter from the weather
-Enough space for fridge and milk crates for empty containers
-Flexible hours with weekend availability
-Well lit at night
-Needs to have a electrical receptacle nearby-a walkway to the fridge with gravel, pavers, or something as grass around here will turn to mud lots of the year.
-Patient pick up hosts who don't mind dealing with random folks stopping to come to a fridge on your property